How to best finance the refurbishment for your home?
by Kevin Rossier, www.hypo-advisors.chWhen buying a home, it is common for the buyer to refurbish the new home to his liking. In principle, financial institutions will only finance two thirds of the cost of refurbishment invoiced by recognized professionals. This implies that the buyer will have to provide additional equity to purchase the house as the […]
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What are some of the risks of becoming an owner?
by Kevin Rossier, www.hypo-advisors.ch Many times, becoming a homeowner is a dream that absorbs most of the family savings and requires borrowing a debt that will likely be in place for most of the buyer’s lifetime. The biggest risk is that in the event of the death, incapacity, or retirement of the buyer, the home may […]
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Why use the services of a Mortgage Broker?
by Kevin Rossier, www.hypo-advisors.ch If you are an expert or are a novice in regard to mortgage loans it is still always useful to call a mortgage broker as it will ensure you make the right choice. After a detailed analysis of your situation, the broker will review all lenders in the market in order to […]
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Are subsidies available to renovate my home?
YES. The Canton has created a program to promote increased energy efficiency in buildings and has allocated CHF 35’000’000 to this program for 2020. Please find below the list of subsidies approved for this year and what is necessary to be eligible case-by-case List of subsidies 2020 Conditions of eligibility
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Q4 2018 shows a strong increase in the number of real estate transactions
Q4 2018 recorded a 33% increase in the number of appartements sold compared to the same period in 2017. The average value of the apartments was Chf 1’150’000 (14% less than Q4 2017) Source: Office Cantonal de la Statistiques
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